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Locked Area

Dot Locked-Area.com: Locked Area Installation Wizard

    Please complete ALL of the below fields.

CGI Script Directory Path
What's the FULL path to the directory where you want to create the Locked Area CGI scripts? Do not end your path with a trailing slash and do NOT enter a relative path, URL or enviromental variable. It must be a full path and the directory must already exist and be writable (e.g. 777 or 755).
e.g. /home/username/dir/cgi-bin

Member's Area Directory Path
What's the FULL path to the directory where you want to setup your member's area? Do not end your path with a trailing slash and do NOT enter a relative path, URL or enviromental variable. It must be a full path and the directory must already exist and be writable (e.g. 777 or 755).
e.g. /home/username/dir/members

Member's Database Location
What's the FULL path to where you want to create your member's database.  Please use a full/absolute path that ends with a filename and file extension. It is usually best to create this file in the same directory as your CGI scripts.
e.g. /home/username/dir/dir/members.db

HTPasswd File Location
Where do you want to create your .htpasswd file which will contain the login details for the member's area?  It doesn't necessarily have to be in the member's area but if you receive a double pop-up after installation, set it to be in the member's area.  Please use a full/absolute path that ends with a filename and file extension.
e.g. /home/username/dir/dir/.htpasswd

Member's Area Directory URL
What's the url of your member's area directory?  Do not include the http://
e.g. www.yourdomain.com/members/

CGI Script Directory URL
What is the url of the directory where your CGI scripts are going to be created.  The url equivalent of CGI Script Directory Path above.  Do not include a trailing slash but do include the http://
e.g. http://www.yourdomain.com/cgi-bin/la

Image Directory URL
What is the url of the directory with the Locked Area images in?  Please do not end the url with a trailing slash but do include the http://
e.g. http://www.yourdomain.com/images

Path to Sendmail
What's the path to sendmail on your server? If you are not sure, refer to your web hosts online FAQ or contact your system administrator.
e.g. /usr/sbin/sendmail or /usr/lib/sendmail

Path to Perl
What iss the path to perl on your server? If you are not sure, refer to your web hosts online FAQ or contact your system administrator.
e.g. #!/usr/bin/perl or #!/usr/local/bin/perl

CGI Script Permissions
What permission should be set on the .cgi scripts to make them executable on your server? 755 is the standard on Unix/Linux.

Member's Area Name
What's do you want to call your member's area?
e.g. YourDomain.com Member's Area

Administrator Name
What is the name of the administrator for this installation of Locked Area?
e.g. Joe Bloggs

Administrator Email Address
What is the administrator's email address?  All the emails sent by the software will come from this email address.
e.g. you@yourdomain.com

Administrator Password
What password do you wish to use for the administration panel?  Choose carefully!

Cobalt RAQ
Are you on a Cobalt RAQ server? Tick if you are.
If you're not sure, either check with your host or install with the tickbox unticked. If when trying to access the member's area you get a Internal Server Error, re-install with the tickbox ticked.


Please double check the above variables and click 'Install'.  This will setup the password protection for the member's area, create the necessary database files and create the cgi scripts.  Make sure that your Member's Area Directory Path and CGI Script Directory Path are correct and that those directories are either set to 777 or 755.

Please note, when you click install the following data about your installation of Locked Area Lite is sent to the Locked-Area.com web site for security, statistical and anti-fraud reasons. The following details are collected: The version of LA Lite you are installing, the URL of your Locked Area Lite cgi scripts, the url of your member's area, the administrator's name and email address and whether or not you are on a Cobalt RAQ server or not. This information will not be given to any other persons or organisations and will only be used by permitted Locked-Area.com staff. This information is used for statistical purposes and for tracking un-registered installations of our software.


Space Holder
Space Holder
Space Holder
Space Holder
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